Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Tomorrow (and probably for a few days afterwards) I’m not going to blog. I’m going to enjoy my family and eat waaaayyyy too much turkey. Then take a nap. Then make a turkey sandwich. Then complain that I ate too much. It’s going to be a brilliant day.

Sheesh, there are so many things to be thankful for everyday. If I listed all of them this blog would be infinitely too long.  Here are a few things I’m definitely thankful for…

Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior
Husband and all his handsome manliness
My family and our newest addition Miss Chloe
My in-lawed family, they are wonderful in so many ways
Countless good friends, and all the laughs, cries and unforgettable moments we’ve shared
My job, even if it makes me crazy sometimes
A working car. If you’ve ever had to push your heavy, old, gas gauge broken car before you understand
Morning sunrises
Coffee and how it makes me nice to people
Clean sheets. Oh they smell heavenly.
The color orange
A few bucks in the bank
Living in the US and the opportunity to vote
Doctors. I don’t know how they do it, but I’m grateful they do.
Smiles. It’s amazing how just a smile can change someone’s whole day.
Cuddling with husband
The endless possibilities each day holds
And husband again. Every day I have to pinch myself that I married the most amazing man in the world.

Have an incredible Thanksgiving! I know I will!

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